Contact Reachable
CoolDown.Shop another Webshop von Play Trend
CoolDown cooling products since 2001
Reachable by phone and e-mail, visits by appointment only.
Tel. 0031.85 2738004
P.O.Box P.O.Box 29, 6573 ZG Beek-Ubbergen
Visit us, for only with an appointment, 15 minutes over the boarder at Nimwegen in the Netherlands :
Schmelendriss 41
47559 Kranenburg
CoolDown cooling products since 2001
Reachable by phone and e-mail, visits by appointment only.
Tel. 0031.85 2738004
- Mo-Fr 08:00-20:00
- Saturday 10:00-16:00
P.O.Box P.O.Box 29, 6573 ZG Beek-Ubbergen
Visit us, for only with an appointment, 15 minutes over the boarder at Nimwegen in the Netherlands :
Schmelendriss 41
47559 Kranenburg
* required